If you've connected Apple Health to your wellness account and your data is not syncing, please complete the following troubleshooting steps: 

  1. Open the WellRight app > select 'Devices' (watch icon) > click the Settings tab > toggle Apple Health OFF.

  2. Log out, close, and delete the WellRight app. 

  3. Reboot your iOS device, ensure you have the latest iOS version installed (Settings > General > Software Update), and reinstall the WellRight app.

  4. Open the WellRight app, enter your account login credentials, and log in.

  5. Reconnect Apple Health (see 'Apple Health - How to Connect') and ensure all categories are toggled ON.

  6. Keep the WellRight app open for at least five minutes to allow your data time to properly sync and remember to open the WellRight app on a daily basis to sync data uninterruptedly.

Please allow up to 24 hours for your historical data to sync.

NOTE: If you are using an Apple Watch to track your activity, please ensure that your Apple Watch data is synced to the Apple Health app before expecting to see the same data reflected within your wellness account.